Lack of sleep worsens tinnitus Improve your sleep habits to relieve tinnitus


Even people who do not normally experience tinnitus may experience temporary ringing in their ears when they are sleep deprived.
In addition, tinnitus is often exacerbated by sleep disturbances and sleep quality.

In such cases, getting a good night's sleep can eliminate the temporary tinnitus, and treating the sleep disorder can ease and ease the tinnitus.

Let's take a closer look at the relationship between sleep and tinnitus.

Tinnitus has several causes, which are explained in "The causes of tinnitus are many and varied, and even doctors have difficulty quickly identifying them".
Please refer to this article.

How tinnitus occurs due to lack of sleep

Why does lack of sleep cause tinnitus?
It is kind of strange that the amount of sleep we get affects our ears.

The reason tinnitus occurs with sleep deprivation is related to the autonomic nervous system.
The autonomic nervous system is balanced by the sympathetic nervous system and the parasympathetic nervous system.

When you are active during the day, the sympathetic nervous system is dominant.
Conversely, the parasympathetic nervous system is dominant before sleep and when relaxing.

When we are sleep deprived, the sympathetic nervous system becomes dominant.
If one day of sleep deprivation is enough, there is no problem, but if it continues for several days, there is little time for the parasympathetic nervous system to become dominant, and the autonomic nervous system is out of balance.
This autonomic imbalance causes blood circulation to deteriorate, which has a negative effect on the body and leads to tinnitus.

Why Sleep Disorders Worsen Tinnitus

So what are the reasons why sleep disorders worsen tinnitus?
In addition to sleep deprivation, stress and anxiety can also have an effect.

Autonomic nervous system disorders that cause tinnitus are not only caused by lack of sleep, but also by stress.
Therefore, stress further disturbs the autonomic nervous system, which is already disturbed by lack of sleep.
This is a situation that will not get any worse.

How to Cure Sleep Disorders

In curing sleep disorders, it is a good idea to pay attention to the following
Of course, it is difficult to incorporate all of them at once, so you should gradually incorporate them to cure your sleep disorder.

  1. Don't be obsessive about time
  2. Find ways to relax before bed
  3. Do not obsess over the time you go to bed
  4. Keep a regular wake-up time
  5. Wake up with the morning sun
  6. Incorporate light exercise
  7. You can take a nap
  8. Do not slumber under the covers
  9. Not relying on alcohol

Of these, numbers 4 and 6 are recommended.
Let's take a brief look at the reasons for each.

Don't care about time.

Some people sleep better with longer sleep, while others are fine with shorter sleep.
The length of time varies from person to person, so you must always sleep more than a few hours! It is best to discard the idea that "the world is a big place".
As long as you don't feel sleepy during the day, you should be fine.

Find ways to relax before bed

Find ways to relax yourself before bed, such as light reading, music, taking a bath at a lukewarm temperature, or smelling fragrances.

  • Consume caffeine within 4 hours before bed.
  • Smoking within 1 hour before bed

Avoid doing anything that would cause the sympathetic nervous system to become dominant, such as these two.

Don't obsess over bedtime

Let's go to sleep! It is very difficult to fall asleep when you are consciously aware of the fact that you are asleep.
Therefore, I have to go to bed by what time! Instead, go to bed when you feel sleepy.

Keep a regular wake-up time

Try to wake up at the same time on weekdays and holidays.
I have to go to bed early! This is not necessary, as it will make it difficult to sleep.
If you wake up earlier, you will naturally go to bed earlier as well.
Therefore, be aware that the time you wake up should be as constant as possible.

Wake up with the morning sun

Sunlight normalizes the body's internal clock.
Therefore, when you wake up in the morning, take in the morning sun to reset your body clock.
When you go to bed at night, try to keep the lighting as dark as possible.

Nowadays, there are not only alarm clocks that wake you up with a sound, but also alarm clocks that automatically open the curtains when the time comes.
You can also wake up with natural light by using these alarm clocks.

Incorporate light exercise

A regular exercise routine leads to sound sleep.
Light exercise, especially 30 minutes of light exercise two hours after dinner, leads to good sleep.
A light dinner and 30 minutes of exercise two hours after dinner is a good habit that leads to sound sleep.

You can take a nap

Some people avoid naps because they will not be able to sleep at night, but naps are fine.
However, it is not advisable to sleep in a leisurely manner, and a rule of 20 to 30 minutes before 3:00 p.m. is recommended.

After 3:00 p.m., avoid affecting your sleep at night.

Do not slumber on the futon

Spending time slumbering on the futon will not give you a good night's sleep and you will not feel refreshed.
If you are not sleepy, you can stay up until you are, and if you wake up early, you can just get up.

If you wake up early, it is no problem to get up and go back to sleep.

Do not rely on alcohol

Do not drink alcohol as a substitute for sleeping pills.
Alcohol is not a substitute for sleeping pills.
It can interfere with deep sleep.

Using sleeping pills is not a problem

In the case of sleep disorders, there is no problem with using sleep aids.
If you have trouble sleeping well, use a sleep aid.

Instead, consult your doctor and ask for a prescription for sleeping pills.
Sleeping pills are safe if used correctly.

If you continue to have trouble sleeping, consult your doctor.

Create an environment that allows for sound sleep

We have introduced nine things to be aware of in order to cure sleep disorders.
In addition to these, it is also important to prepare your sleeping environment for sound sleep.

If you have a shallow sleep, you will wake up in the middle of the night and have difficulty getting a good night's sleep.
In particular, pillows and mattresses affect posture and other factors, so make sure you choose the right ones.

If you have a good sleeping environment, you will wake up refreshed, which will affect not only your tinnitus, but also your work performance.


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