Many people suffer from tinnitus.
I am one of them, but unfortunately, there is no clear treatment for tinnitus.
Therefore, there is a method called TRT (Tinnitus Retraining Therapy) therapy, which is a way to get used to tinnitus and to live with it well.
If you look up hospitals that offer this TRT therapy for tinnitus treatment, you will soon find it.
I have trouble with tinnitus and am interested in TRT therapy, but I don't know what it is! If so, please refer to this page!
The treatment of tinnitus is summarized in "Treatment for tinnitus varies depending on the cause Summary of treatment methods".
Please refer to it.
Overview of TRT Therapy

TRT in TRT therapy stands for Tinnitus Retraining Therapy, which directly translates to "retraining therapy.
What kind of therapy is it? It is a method to deepen your understanding of tinnitus and improve your sensitivity to tinnitus.
No, I don't understand! I'm sure that's the case.
Specifically, there are two things to do
- Get a thorough explanation of tinnitus and learn what it is.
- Get used to tinnitus with noise-based treatment.
It is like doing acoustic therapy with a solid understanding of tinnitus.
Why learn about tinnitus?

TRT therapy begins with the idea of learning about tinnitus well.
The reason why we study tinnitus is because tinnitus is affected by anxiety and stress.
People with high levels of tinnitus distress are especially likely to perceive tinnitus sounds as dangerous.
As a result, the tinnitus becomes even more bothersome, and the stress and anxiety can make the tinnitus even worse, which is a vicious cycle.
Therefore, it is a way to understand tinnitus and avoid becoming too negative about tinnitus.
Reasons for listening to noise

In addition to counseling, TRT involves listening to noise to get used to tinnitus.
This is the same as acoustic therapy, but you may wonder why you can get used to tinnitus by listening to noise.
What I mean is that the noise is made to be listened to together with the tinnitus sound.
The noise is then made to be a little louder than the tinnitus sound.
That way, the tinnitus sound will sound relatively quieter.
For example, let's say you go out to eat at a restaurant with your family and the restaurant's background music is quite loud.
Then, when you talk with your family, it is difficult to hear what they are saying, isn't it?
If the noise is the background music and the tinnitus is the conversation, it is difficult to hear the conversation unless you listen carefully.
In this way, the tinnitus sound gradually becomes less bothersome by using the noise to draw attention away from the tinnitus.
TRT therapy is a way to treat tinnitus from these two approaches.
- How to cure tinnitus and hearing sensitivity by improving your constitution with Chinese herbal medicine
- What is masker therapy? A treatment that uses noise to mask the sound of tinnitus.
- Easy ear massage for headaches and tinnitus
- What is muscle relaxation method? A method of relaxing muscles to lighten tinnitus
- Acoustic therapy is a treatment to relieve severe tinnitus by listening to sound
- Don’t be overly anxious about tinnitus! Psychotherapy (counseling) can improve symptoms.